Saturday, 24 February 2018


Do you want to know magical #recipe of a drink with multiple #healthy benefits! Then watch this video and *share this information with your friends and relatives.*
#workout #preworkout
#postworkout #diet

In this video we will show you how to make home made protein shake recipe, you can use this drink as pre-workout or post-workout. It has multiple health benefits, it helps in recover muscles, make bone stronger, helps in control blood pressure and blood sugar level, it help to control stress level and it helps to function heart properly.

This drink recipe:

Oats: it is full of nutrition, it has protein with essential amino acids. It has beta glucan which helps to reduce cholesterol. Oats helps from constipation.

Peanuts: peanut is good source of protein, it has monounsatureted fatty acid which reduces LDL bad cholesterol and increase HDL good cholesterol. It also helps from stomach cancer.

Almonds: almonds has many health benefits, it has vitamin E

Egg: egg is again good source of protein, it has good cholesterol which is very necessary to our body.

Walnut: it has vitamin E, Omega 3 fatty acids which helps in lowering stress level and it has cancer fighting properties.

Dates: dates has more iron, it is energy booster, helps in good digestion.

Milk: milk is good source of protein, it is full of calcium which helps in build strong bones.

Honey: it helps in managing weight, it is good for weight loss.


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